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Design, manufacture and sale of wooden houses

We value natural materials and closeness to nature.

Baltic House

Baltic House Factory OÜ

Baltic House Factory OÜ on 2007. aastal loodud erakapitalil põhinev ettevõte, mille põhitegevus on freespalgist palkmajade, aiamajade, suvemajade ja muude puitehitiste projekteerimine, tootmine ja müük. 

Meie ehitiste valik ja kasutusala on väga lai. Pakume peamiselt eriprojektide lahendusi vastavalt iga kliendi personaalsest soovist ja vajadusest lähtudes, samas pakume ka palju erinevaid valmislahendusi – see on Baltic House Factory kindel eelis. Inimeste soovid ja unistused on väga erinevad, seepärast pole meie meelest õige sundida kedagi valmislahenduste kitsastesse raamidesse. Klientide soovid ja vajadused on meile olulised ning anname endast parima, et neid täita.

Meie missioon on pakkuda klientidele isikupäraseid ja kauakestvaid puidust hooneid parima hinna ja kvaliteedi suhtega.

Baltic House Factory
Baltic House Factory


How is a log house built? Or garden house, summer house, sauna? The first step is, of course, to get to know the customer’s wishes and needs – be it an end user who needs a unique solution or a reseller who is about to add a standard project to their portfolio. This is followed by the preparation of the design using special CAD-based design software.

In addition to the traditional architectural drawings, we also prepare the design for production, including material specifications. If necessary, and for a better visual overview of the house, we can also provide 3D views.

We take into account all construction requirements, production and construction technology possibilities and the specific features of log house construction.


How is a log house built? Or garden house, summer house, sauna? The first step is, of course, to get to know the customer’s wishes and needs – be it an end user who needs a unique solution or a reseller who is about to add a standard project to their portfolio. This is followed by the preparation of the design using special CAD-based design software.

In addition to the traditional architectural drawings, we also prepare the design for production, including material specifications. If necessary, and for a better visual overview of the house, we can also provide 3D views.

We take into account all construction requirements, production and construction technology possibilities and the specific features of log house construction.

Baltic House Factory


We only use Nordic spruce and pine wood with a dense grain to ensure a long life for the building. The quality of the finished building is important to us. Thorough checks ensure that the material meets strict quality requirements.

All the parts coming off the line are numbered according to the specification given in the project, to make subsequent construction quick and convenient. They are packed before transport, with careful checks to ensure that everything you need reaches the customer. Doors and windows are usually included in the same package. To avoid confusion on the construction site, the house is usually packed and the parts numbered in the order of erection. And of course the packaging is weatherproof.

Baltic House Factory
Baltic House Factory - manufacture and sale of wooden houses


A log cabin is a natural and healthy place to live. A wooden house is durable and strong. A log building saves the environment and does not pollute it, as wood is a 100% renewable raw material.

Our main products include garden houses, cottages, saunas and dwellings made of milled logs. But we also offer garages, sheds and other wooden buildings. We also produce glued laminated timber constructions and building components, from beams to wall elements. In addition to wooden houses, you can order solid wood doors, windows and stairs.

You can find a solution for your needs among the standard projects or contact us and we will design a project based on your specific requirements.


A log cabin is a natural and healthy place to live. A wooden house is durable and strong. A log building saves the environment and does not pollute it, as wood is a 100% renewable raw material.

Our main products include garden houses, cottages, saunas and dwellings made of milled logs. But we also offer garages, sheds and other wooden buildings. In addition to wooden houses, you can order solid wood doors, windows and stairs.

You can find a solution for your needs among the standard projects or contact us and we will design a project based on your specific requirements.

Baltic House Factory - manufacture and sale of wooden houses

Houses suitable for our climate

We have a long experience in the production of log houses and solid wood houses and know what suits our environment.

Peace of mind guaranteed

We are confident that all our customers will be satisfied with the product, both when they receive it and when they use it later.

A client-centred approach

Meie jaoks iga klient on unikaalne oma soovide ja vajadustega ning leiame neile lahendused.

Baltic House Factory

Our core values are quality, natural materials and closeness to nature. We put customer satisfaction first.



Vasara 50, 50113 Tartu, Estonia

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+372 5060 004

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